Join The Big Noise - Ask President Bush to Make Trade Fair

For millions of people in the developing world, trade isn't just an abstract notion. Their participation in the global marketplace makes a difference in their daily lives, like whether they can feed their families and pay for their kids' schooling.
Fairer trade rules would help lift living standards of Ethiopian farmers like Amina and Kalifa.

Eliminating trade barriers and agricultural subsidies in the world's wealthiest countries would allow poor countries to generate nearly $300 billion per year in revenue for their own development by 2015. If Africa, for example, could increase its share of world trade by just 2 percent, it would earn on its own more than six times what it currently receives in international aid.

Rich nations have the opportunity to make trade part of the solution to global poverty, not the cause. But they are backing away from their commitments to help poor countries through fair trade. The recent World Trade Organization talks fell short of real reform. More work remains to level the playing field for developing countries and give people the tools to trade their way out of poverty.

We must act now. Please add your name to join Mercy Corps and the ONE Campaign in asking President Bush to make trade fairer for all.

Dear President Bush,

The recent WTO meeting in Hong Kong failed to reform trade rules to lift millions out of poverty. We can change the rules so world trade becomes part of the solution to poverty, not the cause. I urge you to forge an historic partnership to help Africa and the poorest nations overcome global AIDS and extreme poverty by making trade fair.

We urge you to direct your Administration's trade representatives to:

  • Ensure the needs of the world's poorest people are kept at the forefront of WTO Doha trade negotiations;

  • Open up developed country markets to products from poor countries and eliminate agricultural subsidies that cause overproduction and commodity dumping on global markets;

  • Give developing countries the power to decide their own trade policies, through a democratic and transparent process;

  • Offer meaningful assistance and training to increase poor countries' capacity to take advantage of new opportunities and earn the resources needed to fight poverty.

As Americans, we believe that hard work and using the opportunities given to us can make better lives for our children and ourselves. Ongoing trade negotiations are an opportunity for developed nations to keep their promises and demonstrate bold leadership by changing global trade rules to level the playing field for developing countries, giving people tools so trade can help lift them out of poverty - lifting up their own communities, their countries and eventually the global economy.

Thank you.
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