Stand Against The Trafficking of Africa's Great Apes

The multi-billion dollar illegal wildlife trade impacts more than elephants and rhinos. Tragically, the growth in this illicit industry also poses a great threat to wild populations of bonobos, chimpanzees and gorillas in Africa.
An estimated 3,000 great apes are lost every year as a result of the black market ape trade. Trafficked apes end up in zoos, amusement parks, research facilities or as part of private animal collections. The nightmare for many of these victims does not end with their capture in the wild, but instead — if they don’t die in transit — continues for the rest of their life, up to 40 years.
In addition to wildlife trafficking, most of Africa's great ape populations are declining due to habitat loss, bushmeat hunting and disease. Ninety percent of great ape habitat will be disturbed in some way by humans by 2030.
Addressing the problem starts by first acknowledging that one exists. Public awareness campaigns around the ivory and rhino horn trade have driven media coverage that has spurred action by governments worldwide.
Similar visibility is now needed to lift the issue of great ape trafficking out of the shadows. The scale and brutality of the illegal trade in great apes highlights the urgent need to tackle this issue now.
It can start with your action today.
Take the pledge to help spread awareness on the issue of great ape trafficking to spark action from governments around the world.
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