We Won't Stand for Drilling In Our Oceans

  • al: Sierra Club
  • destinatario: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Trump's Department of the Interior has proposed opening 90% of US coasts to offshore drilling. This is the largest expansion of offshore drilling in history.

At the same time, Congress is moving to dismantle safety regulations that were enacted after the disastrous 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill and have failed to renew a longstanding oil tax that funds cleanup efforts for oil spills.

Despite protests from the public and coastal state governors, this administration wants to hand over our coasts to Big Oil but won't even enforce basic safety standards or fund programs to clean up the inevitable spills.

If Trump's plan becomes reality, devastating spills will be inevitable. Offshore oil spills happen frequently, devastating marine environments, commercial fishing industries, and tourism. Even without spills, offshore oil causes pollution and keeps us further tied to the dirty fossil fuels of the past.

The fact is with drilling comes spilling. Our waters, wildlife, and coastal communities are too important for this reckless giveaway to Big Oil.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is now accepting comments on the proposed plan. Submit your comment and tell them to keep oil rigs away from our coasts!
Subject: Protect our coasts from offshore drilling (Docket #BOEM-2017-0074)

Dear Decisionmaker,

I am deeply disappointed in your proposal for the largest expansion of offshore drilling ever.

[Your Comment]

In 2016, over 3.3 million people submitted public comments opposing the 2017 to 2022 draft plan, and thousands of people attended public meetings to show their support for protecting our oceans, coasts, and climate. The draft proposal for 2019 to 2024 completely ignores what the public overwhelmingly supports -- no offshore drilling. This decision also flies in the face of permanent protections that exist for the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans: protections that people like me support and that must remain in place to protect American waters, communities, and wildlife.

The previous administration did not propose drilling in the Pacific Ocean due to the steadfast opposition of western coastal states. Proposals for drilling in the Atlantic and the Arctic oceans were also dropped due to overwhelming opposition. This is true even in Republican-led states, like North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, where 90% of coastal cities passed resolutions against offshore drilling and/or seismic testing. Similarly, Shell gave up its plans to pursue oil in the Arctic because of the strong public opposition, extreme costs, risks, and difficulty of doing so.

It simply doesn't make sense to go against the public will and pursue a 2019 to 2024 offshore oil lease plan. Please protect our oceans and coastlines from new offshore oil development.

Thank you,
[Your Name]
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