From badgers being exploited and abused on badger hair farms for their hair to be used in make-up brushes, to poor moon bears being imprisoned in very cruel cages with wounds in their stomachs having bile "milked" from them to be used in Chinese "medicine". From the hideously vile and cruel Yulin Dog Meat and Lychee Festival to the hideously sickening treatment of caged animals on Chinese fur farms. From the endangerment of giant pandas and red pandas to the black market in rhino horn driving these iconic and ecologically important animals to extinction in Africa, and the trade in tiger parts also driving their extinction. China are an extremely troubled country when it comes to animal cruelty. Dogs are beaten, boiled alive in boiling water, strangled, cats, too, are slaughtered for their meat, cats and dogs are cruelly killed for their fur and dogs are/were drowned in drowning tanks at pounds. The animals eaten in China include dogs, cats, wolf pups, foxes, crabs, snakes, owls, pangolins, giant salamanders, bats and rats (who are boiled alive for rat kebabs) are all eaten in China, with pangolins being endangered thanks, in part, to the consumption of their meat. Oysters, shrimps, fish, snakes, donkeys, monkey brains, baby mice, baby duck embryos and frogs are even EATEN ALIVE in China. THIS IS EXTREMELY DISTURBING AND SICK. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE IN TODAY'S SOCIETY, NO MATTER WHERE IT IS DONE!!!!!!! THIS IS SICK AND VILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Chinese fur farms, foxes, mink, rabbits, cats, dogs and other animals have no shelter from rain, freezing cold or scorching sun. Mother animals are driven crazy by rough handling and the living conditions and have nowhere to hide whilst giving birth, often kill their own babies. Disease and injury are widespread and animals that have anxiety-induced psychosis and throw themselves repeatedly against the cold bars and chew off limbs.
Before they are skinned, the animals are taken out, thrown to the ground and bludgeoned. They then struggle desperately when workers hang them by their tails or flip them on their backs and begin to skin them. When they begin to cut the skin and fur from an animal's leg, the animal's free limbs kick and writhe. Workers stomp on the heads and necks of animals who make the skinning too difficult.
After skinning, they are thrown into piles of other poor animals who have already been skinned, sometimes with their hearts still beating. One investigator recorded a raccoon dog who had been skinned yet still had the life left in him to lift his head and look at the camera. Imagine the terror and mental and emotional pain in that poor raccoon dog as he showed his desperation through his eyes as he looked at the recorder. The poor thing might never have trusted humans again had he been rescued. That poor, poor raccoon dog could only hope for the pampered lives experienced by our domesticated dogs and cats, or the natural lives of raccoon dogs in the wild.
The coronavirus is said to have originated from a wildlife "wet" market in Wuhan, China, where foxes, wolf pups, rats and others were being sold to be eaten. Please, please, please learn from this whole mess and outlaw wildlife "wet" markets and all other forms of animal cruelty across China.
In Yulin, each year up to 15,000 dogs are tortured and killed horrifically for their meat. It is believed that the more the dog suffers the better the meat will taste. Stray dogs, as well as people's companion dogs, are snatched by dog thieves only to be blowtorched, boiled alive, skinned, hung up, sold and served to visitors for this awful and sickening "festival". Why not change it to the Yulin Tofu and Lychee Festival, or even just Yulin Lychee Festival?
Please note that this is not about fascism or racism against China or the Chinese. There are many, many, many Chinese people out there who are not cruel to animals and do good for them, such as the thousands of Chinese animal rights activists. If they are so against, and westerners and, probably, others from Asia are against it, do you not think it is time to pass better laws against animal cruelty in China?
An economic boycott of Chinese products and tourism could follow if the Government does not implement very, very, very strict, proper, compassionate laws against animal cruelty and punish those found guilty of animal cruelty very severely (yet still compassionately and fairly).
You may think "they're just animals", but they are sentient beings, too. They almost certainly feel every bit of pain that a human would if subjected to the same torture.
If you were to implement much better laws against animal cruelty, you could bring smiles to the faces of animal lovers and animal rights people across China and the world over, bring great relief, save millions/billions of animals, improve your country's reputation, experience a boost in economy and prevent more illnesses and deaths to Chinese people as well.
Please, please, please, PLEASE listen to the cries of the animals, the cries of Chinese animal rights activists and animal lovers and animal rights activists and other caring people the world over!!! Please do all of these things ASAP!!!
* Completely the dog and cat meat trades everywhere in China.
* Completely ban ALL fur farming and the fur trade everywhere in China.
* Completely ban ALL wildlife markets everywhere in China.
* Completely ban ALL badger farming everywhere in China.
* Start severely (yet kindly) punishing people who deliberately abuse and kill animals unnecessarily with ten years in jail, 2,000 yuan fines and bans on keeping, working with or being responsible for animals for 5-10 years/life.
* Completely ban rat kebabs, pangolin meat and all other exotic animal meats everywhere in China.
* Completely ban and really, really crackdown against the trades in rhino horns and tiger parts and skins everywhere in China.
* End/change Yulin permanently. Either end and ban Yulin Dog Meat and Lychee Festival completely and permanently, or force all involved to completely and permanently end the sale of meat and killing and cruelty to animals there permanently.
It may be Chinese culture and tradition, but not even culture or tradition can justify unnecessary violence, nothing can. There are other aspects of Chinese culture that don't involve animal cruelty or killing. Please, live by the principles of peace, compassion, kindness and love for all sentient beings everywhere, both human and nonhuman.
Thank you.
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