Let's make sure that SLUG POISON is no longer liberally sold - it needs to be sold against proper ID

This product is slug poison (Mt. 'velenu tal-bebbux jew tal-bugharwien) and is sold liberally without any records kept.
Sometimes, it is added to cat-food so that innocent cats can get at it and die in the most horrific of ways.
It is a danger to children who can very easily come across it.
This product is frequently abused of, in order to kill unwanted cats in the most horrific of ways.
We want this product either to be removed from the shelves altogether, or else, sale of this product is restricted to a few shops which would keep a good record of the buyer, with identification, etc...

Dear sir/madam,

Very often, slug poison is used against innocent cats. It is mixed with normal cat-food and fish, and even with the food that well-intentioned cat-feeders leave behind for cats.

Dogs are equally at risk of eating such a poison.

YES! Even your pet-cat or pet-dog!

The result is too atrocious and too horrifying to describe. Cats that consume the poison die a certain death, a slow, horrific one with convulsions! I can only ask you to imagine having your pet die in that manner. NOBODY, not even vets, have the right to take away an animal life because lives are all precious. Imagine, especially, running the risk of an animal dying so horrifyingly.

This is not all. Imagine if a child had to have access to this poison: a child may fall on this product, or hit it with his hands - you all know how children can come up with all sorts of things! - and the poison works just as 'effectively' (!!) as with animals. 

So, we want to put an end to this risk. We want either to have this poison banned from the country, or else, it has to be sold in a very responsible and transparent manner: the seller has to keep a record of the person buying this poison by taking his identity card number. In the manner, the use of this poison can be traceable.

I urge YOU, as an animal-lover and as a responsible person, to help us achieve this end.

Thank you for your assistance.

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Thank you very much for your promptness in answering our request to sign the petition.
We need more numbers.
I would be very grateful if you could perhaps dedicate 60 seconds in passing on our message to your own circle of friends/acquaintances so we can raise the desired number to be effectual.

Thank you for your assistance.
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