Pakistan Must End State of Emergency

  • al: Care2
  • destinatario: General Pervez Musharraf, President of Pakistan

President Gen. Pervez Musharraf
The current state of emergency in Pakistan is alarming. We are extremely concerned for the safety of Pakistani citizens, activists and opposition leaders.

In his deliberate attempt to stay in power, General Musharraf has suspended constitutional rights, arrested thousands of opposition leaders, lawyers and human rights activists. Independent TV and radio channels are still not permitted to broadcast.

Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, who is again under house arrest, is now calling for General Musharraf to step down as president of Pakistan.

Time is of the essence. In Pakistan, a prolonged state of emergency will pave the way for an increase in human rights abuses, torture and even more arbitrary detentions and disappearances.

Tell General Musharraf to end the state of emergency and to hold free and fair elections. The voices of democracy shouldn't be silenced anymore. Activists, lawyers and opposition leaders must be released immediately.

General Musharraf,

We are extremely concerned for the safety of thousand of activists, lawyers, journalists and opposition leaders arrested under the state of emergency. A prolonged state of emergency will pave the way for an increase in human rights abuses, torture and even more arbitrary detentions and disappearances.

We urge you to release all peaceful demonstrators, to lift restrictions on independent media, and to hold free and fair elections.

Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, who is again under house arrest for protesting the current state of emergency, should be released immediately and allowed to lead and participate in peaceful demonstrations.

Emergency powers are not above the law. Please end the state of emergency immediately and restore constitutional rights.
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