Speak up for Piglets: Transport is Deadly and Inhumane for Millions

Every piglet born into factory farming is guaranteed to make a trip on a transport truck during her short life.
It may happen just minutes or hours after her birth. Or maybe when she's weaned from her mother or surrogate at just 17-30 days old. No doubt, she'll be packed tight on a truck when she's 5-6 months old, on her way to a slaughterhouse.
Each time this piglet is loaded up, she risks injury, heat stress, severe distress, and too often, death. The laws regulating transport are so inadequate, millions of piglets are guaranteed to die on the road.
But the risks are even worse as temperatures rise. She'll be packed shoulder to shoulder among strange animals for as long as 8, 20 or even 28 hours with no food or water.
The weather has been oppressively hot everywhere this summer. August historically has the highest number of transport deaths, and this year is certain to be the same. She will suffer.
The transport of piglets is cruel and inhumane. She cannot advocate for herself, so we must do it for her. We must form a united front. Please sign our petition to speak up for piglets!
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