A Trans Activist Was Stabbed and Murdered in Eastern Europe While Parliament Passed a Draconian Anti-Queer Law

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Georgian national authorities
Kesaria Abramidze was a beloved transgender model and activist. And in September 2024, she was brutally murdered in her home in the Eastern European nation of Georgia.

Together, we can send a powerful message that we will not tolerate violence and oppression against any community. Sign the petition to stand with the LGBTQ+ community of Georgia and demand justice for Kesaria Abramidze!

Kesaria was a trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ community, becoming the first person in her nation to publicly come out as transgender, and representing her country on international stages. She was known for her bravery, speaking out against violence and discrimination, and demanding justice for all marginalized voices.

Then, just one day after the Georgia legislature advanced a bill that mirrors Russia's oppressive "gay propaganda" law, someone took her life. Georgia's new homophobic, transphobic bill would restrict depictions of queer people on TV and media programs, ban gender-affirming medical care, ban trans or same-sex couples from adopting children to start families, and nullify any same-sex marriage licenses obtained abroad.

Officials say her body was covered in "multiple stab wounds," and likely caused by someone who targeted her for "particular cruelty" based on her gender.

Reports indicate that she was targeted not only for her identity but also for her outspoken criticism of the government's failure to protect women and LGBTQ+ rights. She had even temporarily fled abroad to escape threats against her life.

The Georgian government must take decisive action to ensure that justice is served for Kesaria and that the safety of LGBTQ+ individuals is prioritized. We demand a thorough investigation into her murder, accountability for the perpetrator, and a commitment from the authorities to combat the rising tide of violence against the LGBTQ+ community.

Join us in standing up against hatred and discrimination. Sign the petition now to demand justice for Kesaria Abramidze and to advocate for the rights of all LGBTQ+ individuals in Georgia!
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