There should be stronger and more human laws for the animals of Jamaica.Dogs are being beaten run over and some are starved. It seems alot of people don't give a damn.

I have seen how people beat them, take them home and then don't care. Let them starve. I've even seen them being run over and leave them on the side of the road. Not all people in this country are like that, but the majority. Dogs are a man's best friend, but maybe not here. We have to make this clear to the president of Jamaica, that this poor animals have feelings and deserve better. Therefor stronger laws.

Actualizar #2hace 8 años
Dogs are a man's best friend they are much smarter then humans give them credit for I demand that somebody do something, and make a big change
Actualizar #1hace 8 años
dear supporters, these animals deserve better, a dog is part of your world, to a dog your his whole world, please help them with your signatures. thank you
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