Demand Food Safety: Stop the Elimination of the Microbiological Data Program

American food safety is under attack. On June 16, the 2012 agricultural plan was passed in the House, calling for the elimination of a program directed at promoting fruit and vegetable cleanliness.

The Microbiological Data Program, run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is responsible for testing 15,000 samples of fruits and vegetables annually, both foreign and domestic, for dangerous pathogens. Under the House's new plan, only 1,000 fruits and vegetables will be sampled, leaving the public vulnerable to disease.

Eliminating the MDP entirely is reckless and potentially dangerous. Inadequate testing of fruits and vegetables could easily lead to the spread of lethal E. coli strains, such as the one that has killed 50 people in western Europe, or other toxins that are as yet unknown.

Demand safe food practices and help save the MDP. Tell the Senate not to eliminate the Microbiological Data Program.
The Microbiological Data Program is extremely important in monitoring the safety of the fruits and vegetables released into United States markets. Now it is in danger of being eliminated.

As you know, the 2012 agricultural plan proposes eliminating the MDP. While cutting spending is currently an important concern, the MDP should not be considered expendable.

Where the FDA only tests 1,000 produce samples for one strain of E. coli, the MDP requires the testing of 15,000 samples for several different strains. The MDP serves a clear and important purpose in food regulation.

Protect the United States public and oppose the elimination of the MDP in the 2012 agricultural plan.
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