NYPD: Don't Use Horses to Control Peaceful Protests

  • al: Care2.com
  • destinatario: New York Mayor Bloomberg
When activists with the Occupy Wall Street campaign had a peaceful protest in Time Square, the NYPD ordered mounted police to the scene.

Even though the horses are trained to deal with crowds and noise, this is an extremely stressful situation. The horses must push though people shouting and waving their arms in the air, holding large signs. It is chaos -- like a horse in the middle of a rock concert.

People at the scene report the NYPD used the horses as weapons to physically pushing protestors back so they could set up metal barricades. At least one protestor had his foot stepped on.

This is a dangerous situation for both humans and horses. For a peaceful protest, these measure should not be needed. Ask Mayor Bloomberg to order the NYPD to stop using horses to control peacfeul protestors.

*Watch the video at left to see what horses must endure at Occupy Wall Street protests.
Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

The NYPD recently ordered mounted police to a peaceful protest in Time Square that was part of the Occupy Wall Street campaign. This is an extremely stressful situation for the horses. People at the scene report that the NYPD used the horses to physically push protestors back so they could set up metal barricades.

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This is a dangerous situation for both humans and horses. For a peaceful protest, these mounted police should not be necessary. Please order the NYPD not to use horses to control peaceful protestors.
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