Animals and People Helping One Another

  • al: Care2
  • destinatario: American Hospital Association
Pet owners understand the unequivocal bond that can form between humans and their pets. But did you know that the human-animal bond can also provide healing? Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) and Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) can change the lives of those in need.

We need to get AAT and AAA programs into hospitals where they have an impact.

The benefits of human-animal interaction can be monumental. AAT and AAA programs have motivated rehabilitation patients to walk again, taught special-needs children life skills, and facilitated counseling sessions in mental health centers.

Animals used in therapy have the ability to decrease anxiety, loneliness and depression, increase mental stimulation, and foster a sense of safety and protection.

Let's use the resources we already have. We can take advantage of this mutually beneficial relationship by giving animals the attention they deserve, while offering people the gift of unconditional love.

Tell the American Hospital Association to team up with animal shelters across the nation to develop and implement AAT and AAA programs in hospitals.
Dear American Hospital Association,

Please consider the implementation of Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) and Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) in association with current health care treatment options. AAT and AAA treatments have proven to be successful in many cases across the country.

Benefits of AAT and AAA include decreased anxiety, loneliness and depression, mental stimulation, and a sense of safety and protection. Animals offer companionship during lonely or stressful times, like visits to the hospital.

Children have the potential to be enormous beneficiaries of AAT or AAA, as animals make children feel more at ease and therefore more willing to accept treatment. Animal Assisted Therapy can be especially beneficial to children who have witnessed or suffered abuse directly.

One researcher found that AAT benefited the overall therapeutic process not only by reducing anxiety, but also by helping the child disclose abuse and express feelings, and by promoting projection and identification of feelings.

Doctors, nurses and other hospital workers have the misfortune of seeing patients on the worst days of their lives. Consider adding a program that could bring joy in the face of hardship and despair.

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Please team up with local animal shelters, and implement the use of AAT and AAA in hospitals across the nation. These programs benefit both lonely patients and loving animals.
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