End Animal abuse now! # Justice for Charlotte

  • al: Kim F
  • destinatario: Ohio Govenor, Eastlake Ohio Mayor, Eastlake, Ohio Law Director Lake County Ohio Prosecutors office., Eastlake, OH



My English Mastiff Charlotte was using the bathroom in her own gated backyard. FIRST Energy of Ohio meter reader did not follow company protocol. He entered a back yard with a lock not engaged in the fence; moved 2 garbage cans to gain access to my backyard. Once he manuvered the gate open, he entered the property leaving the gate wide open. Ignoring 2 signs and hundreds of giant footprints he proceeded into the backyard. Charlotte was using the bathroom, saw him and approached him to say hello. Instead of stepping over the wrought iron fence because he claims she charged him, he sprayed her with Pepper Spray. She ran away from him, he sprayed her an additional time after lingering in the backyard for 46 seconds watching her suffer. He immediately should have left the backyard instead he stood and watched her suffer. Only leaving the backyard after she ran out of the gate. All was caught on home video surveillance. The reader refused to show me his identification and informed me it would be his word vs mine until I showed him my Cameras and called the police. Eastlake prosecuter felt this man was NOT being malicious, even though I have evidence that an excessive amount ie: the entire bottle was used. She suffered chemical burns on her face and ears and is still getting eye treatments. Please sign this petition to get the City of Eastlake Ohio, Eastlake prosecuter, Eastlake police, County Ohio prosecuter, and even the Ohio Governor to review this case. The city of Eastlake has an ordinance against animal abuse. This falls under Ohio's Goddards Law. No animal should be maliciously attacked in her own private backyard. https://youtu.be/wTEjq7Nwd8c


Actualizar #2hace 8 años
The petition will end on Sunday January 29. Please continue to share my goal is 25,000 signatures in 2 weeks. Thank you all for the support. We the people can make changes!
Actualizar #1hace 8 años
Thank you so much for being Charlottes voice. 24 hours and the goal is almost reached. Please continue to share and send good thoughts. Follow updates on her FB page Justice for Charlotte
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