This Traveling Dog Trainer Teaches Pet Parents Across the U.S. to Abuse Their Dogs to Control Their Behavior

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT)
Animal lovers and dog experts in San Francisco are currently standing up against a man who they say is using abusive, cruel practices and selling them to pet parents as supposed "dog training."

The man's methods apparently include violence and pain as methods for forcing "uncontrollable" dogs to come to heel. While some pet owners swear by his tactics, no animal should be exposed to cruelty for any reason.

Sign the petition to demand an end to these abusive teachings!

This man doesn't only hold trainings in San Francisco. In fact, he travels the U.S., holding one-day sample training sessions for pet owners all over the nation. That means he's sharing his pain-inducing, violent methods with many, many pet parents - and that many dogs are feeling the impact.

As dog trainer and canine behavior consultant Christina Cambie explains, "Unfortunately, they're the victims of an unregulated industry and the thing that they're trying next is something that could potentially make their dog much, much worse."

Negative reinforcement is often extremely confusing to animals, who only learn what not to do in order to avoid suffering upsetting consequences, but fail to learn what pet owners actually want. It's also, simply put, abusive. No animal should be subjected to pain or violence.

This man must stop his touring training sessions now. Additionally, the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) must call out and condemn his practices, so other pet owners know to avoid his teachings! Sign the petition to protect animals from cruelty!
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