Demand McConnell allow a vote on the bipartisan bill to stop Trump from firing Special Counsel Mueller!

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  • destinatario: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

It's official. The investigation into President Trump's corruption and possible collusion with Russia is bipartisan. On April 26, the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee voted 14-7 for a bill preventing Trump from interfering with the investigation by firing Special Counsel Mueller.

And yet, in his latest defiance of America's democratic process, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has vowed to keep the bill from ever getting a vote.

This is an abdication of his responsibilities and violation of the public trust all so McConnell can help conceal the crimes of his party's president. Refuse to stand for it!

Special Prosecutor Mueller's investigation has uncovered enough evidence for 22 indictments and seven guilty pleas. There is no longer any legitimate argument against the investigation into the legality of President Trump and his associates' activities.

There is, however, reason to believe that President Trump — whose catch phrase was once, "You're fired!" — could axe Mueller to save his own skin. Democrats know it, Republicans know it, even McConnell knows it.

But McConnell has always put party over country, and the only way to get him to do differently is to make him.

Add your name to demand Mitch McConnell stop helping Trump cover up his crimes, and hold a vote on the bill to protect Mueller from being fired by the president.

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