Demand an Apology from NY Archbishop Timothy Dolan

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  • destinatario: Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan
In a recent interview with 60 Minutes Overtime, Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan made a statement comparing same sex marriage to incest--or as he so crudely put it, marrying his own mother.

Despite what Archbishop Dolan says, though, gay and lesbian couples in loving, committed relationships want nothing more than the rights their heterosexual counterparts have. His words have a terrible effect on the work of many New York elected officials who are currently fighting for marriage equality in the state. That it comes with the weight of the Catholic Church the Archbishop represents makes it even more cruel and harmful.

The real hypocrisy is that while the Archbishop is supposed to work towards the well-being of all, his words are especially harmful to LGBT youth, including many in the congregations he is supposed to serve. He is legitimizing bullying and hatred towards many at risk gay and lesbian teenagers.

Tell Archbishop Dolan that his hateful statement has no place in the discussion of marriage equality, and demand a full apology for the harm it has caused.
In a recent interview with 60 Minutes Overtime you made a statement comparing same sex marriage to incest. Contrary to your remarks, gay and lesbian couples in loving, committed relationships want nothing more than the rights their heterosexual counterparts have.

(Your comments here)

Your words are especially harmful to LGBT youth, including many in the congregations you serve. Your statement helps legitimize bullying and hatred towards many at risk gay and lesbian youth. With the tragic number of suicides we've recently seen among LGBT teenagers, this message of hatred is something we cannot afford to send.

I ask you to look closely at the damage your words wreak on those who hear them, and apologize for your harmful remarks.
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