Help End the Illegal Wildlife Trade. Join The #ForeverWild Campaign!

Did you know at least 3,000 endangered great apes, including orangutans, gorillas, bonobos and chimpanzees are lost from the wild every year as a result of wildlife crime and trade?
These magnificent animals are hunted for bushmeat and body parts, as well as being captured live for the illegal pet market, disreputable zoos, and tourist attractions. About two thirds of the apes lost are chimpanzees.
Despite international wildlife regulations that prohibit trade in endangered apes for commercial purposes, trafficking continues to bring in billions of dollars. The illegal wildlife trade is the second-biggest threat to species after habitat destruction.
If this cruel trade continues we could face a world in which thousands and thousands of species are lost forever. In fact, right now only around 340,000 chimpanzees, our closest living relative, remain in the wild.
The good news is there are steps each of us can take to fight back against the illegal wildlife trade. That is why we're joining together and asking people like you to participate in the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) global chapters #ForeverWild campaign. By becoming better informed, sharing what you know, and taking action in support of JGI's efforts, we can secure a future where wildlife can live safely in the wild, for good.
Join the #ForeverWild campaign and we'll send you more details about how you can help end the illegal wildlife trade and secure a world where endangered animals can live safely in the wild.
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