Help high-school students graduate in communities where dropout rates are 2x the national average.

Did you know that high school dropout rates in low-income communities across Canada can be more than 2x the national average?

High drop out rates are about so much more than the academic ability and determination of students. Young people living in low-income communities face barriers to graduation that are beyond their control. Their families might be struggling to pay for food, school supplies, or transportation. Or they may not have access to basic resources like technology or help with homework. All of that puts them one step further from graduation.

Dropping out affects us all. It can limit a young person's potential for the rest of their lives, which comes at a significant cost for all Canadians.  Research shows that investing in education can save our economy $7.7 billion every year. All it would take is a 1% rise in our national graduation rate.* in lost tax revenue, social assistance, and health care. That's on top of all the other benefits—like the fact that high school graduates are more likely to vote and volunteer or to donate to causes and give back to the places they call home. Today, 300,000 high school students in Canada are facing significant barriers that put their graduation in jeopardy.

That's where Pathways to Education comes in. The award-winning Pathways Program provides the supports youth need to overcome the barriers they face and graduate from high school. We know the Pathways Program works—proven results demonstrate an increase in graduation rates in the communities Pathways serves by an average of 52 per cent in the 2020-21 school year.

We can't do this important work alone. Our success depends on strong community support from people like you.

Will you raise your hand to support the Pathways Program today and pledge to help build a nation of high school graduates and empowered youth?

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