Tell Cuccinelli: Virginia Demands a Governor Who Stands for Science.

Virginians understand that climate change is no joke – it’s here and it’s getting worse. Water is already lapping at coastal residents’ front door, and sea levels keep rising. Across the commonwealth, extreme storms, heat and precipitation are harming our health, wrecking homes, and wilting crops.
Yet Ken Cuccinelli has long denied the basic scientific facts -- agreed to by 97 percent of the world’s climate scientists -- that climate change is real and caused by burning fossil fuels. As Attorney General, Cuccinelli squandered taxpayer money pursuing a “witch hunt” against University of Virginia scientists and challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s basic finding that climate pollution endangers our health. While Virginians were repairing flooded homes, he was cracking jokes at Tea Party rallies about “harmless” carbon dioxide.
Our seas won’t stop rising while politicians turn their back on science. Climate denial might serve the interests of the fossil fuel corporations helping to bankroll Cuccinelli’s race for governor, but it betrays the interests of Virginians.
We demand a governor who will use science to tackle the most urgent crisis of our time -- climate change -- not deny science to satisfy the interests of fossil fuel industry funders.
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