Tell Congress: America’s workers and families need paid leave for ALL and affordable child care

Falling ill shouldn't have to tear your family apart.
The reality is, workers and families in every district in the U.S. can't afford to get sick or care for an ill loved one because we risk losing our jobs, our income, and our financial stability. It shouldn't be this way. It is shameful that the United States is the only developed nation that does not offer paid family and medical leave.
Paid family and medical leave, paid sick days, and affordable, good-quality childcare can help millions of American workers and their families avoid financial hardship, keep their jobs, get the care they need, and live better lives.
That's why Family Values @ Work is putting pressure on Congress to sign important legislation to protect you and yours through paid family and medical leave. And that means EVERYBODY. We refuse to accept policies that narrowly define family, exclude disabled or LGBTQ+ workers, exclude low-wage workers, or fail to protect jobs and incomes.
Together, we can hold our elected officials accountable and continue pushing for a future rooted in care, equity, and opportunity for all.
Sign today and tell your member of Congress to put your family first.
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