Oklahoma Teachers Are Now Being Forced to Teach the Bible to Public School Children, in Violation of the U.S. Constitution

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Oklahoma state lawmakers
In the United States, the Constitution forbids any government entity to be biased towards a particular religion, in part through the First Amendment's separation of church and state clause. This amendment, in particular, prohibits the government - or any government entity - from "establishing" a religion.

But in Oklahoma, right-wing fanatics just made this separation of church and state go up in flames. The state's superintendent for schools recently issued an order mandating that all public schools must teach the Christian Bible in classrooms.

Sign the petition to demand the Oklahoma legislature overturn this ludicrous mandate!

According to the superintendent's order, "immediate and strict compliance is expected." There is no option for disobeying; all schools are required to comply.

But to do so would automatically mean the state government is prioritizing one specific religion over others, essentially "choosing" a religion and picking a side. This is categorically and unequivocally unconstitutional.

Students of other religious backgrounds - and of no religious background - are being discriminated against through this brand of Christian Nationalism that is being forced upon children in Oklahoma. As Rachel Laser, the president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, correctly summarized: neither the superintendent nor any other government official has the authority to "impose his religious beliefs on everyone else's children."

Oklahoma must not deprive people of the right to their own religious convictions by imposing Christianity on public school children!

We must speak out against this blatant and discriminatory abuse of power. Sign the petition now!
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