Urgent Signatures Needed To Remove Trump From Office

The House officially impeached Donald Trump! This is historic -- he's only the third president to ever be impeached. 

He's clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. But if the Senate doesn't vote to remove him from office, he might never face real consequences! 

But there's bad news: Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are kicking their Trump Protection Plan into overdrive. They've vowed to protect him at all costs! We can't let these Trump cronies stand in the way of getting rid of Donald Trump for good. 

That's why we're scrambling to put together a MASSIVE list of Anti-Trump activists who want the Senate to remove Trump from office. It's the best way to put pressure on Mitch McConnell to do his job and remove Trump! 

Don't waste another second → sign the Official Petition now to demand the Senate remove Trump from office.

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