The president has declared himself above the law. It's time to impeach him NOW.
Whereas the President George W. Bush of the United States led our country and other nations into a war under known false pretenses
Whereas the president admitted to illegal spying on Americans, and then defended his actions saying he "was" the law
Whereas the president has failed to protect the citizens of this country in their times of greatest need after Katrina
Whereas the president has repeatedly attempted to thwart the will of the people by opening the Alaskan National Wildlife Regufe to private oil interests
Whereas the president handed a no-bid contract to his VP's company Halliburton to "rebuild" Iraq
Whereas the president claimed not to know that our ports were being handed over to a foreign nation who has harbored terrorists
We, the people of the United States and the world, insist that it is long past time to remove George W. Bush from the office of the President through impeachment.