Australian crocodiles are needlessly suffering for fashion. You can help stop this cruelty.

Ask the Minister for the Environment and Water, The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, to reject export permits for the new Hermès crocodile farm. 

Luxury French brands, Hermès and LVMH, the parent company of Louis Vuitton, are believed to own or control the majority of crocodile farms in the Northern Territory.   

A report by World Animal Protection details the disturbing plan to expand the Northern Territory farmed crocodile industry by French luxury goods company, Hermès. If their planned new farm is completed, it will hold up to 50,000 crocodiles.    

Each one of these wild animals will have a short life in inadequate conditions before a cruel death. All to be turned into luxury handbags, belts and wallets. They are truly victims of fashion.       

Aussie crocs need you to stand up and take action. The Federal Government must act now to give crocodiles lives worth living.       

Call on the Minister for the Environment and Water to do the right thing by Australia's saltwater crocodiles today.
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