Help Child Refugees Survive and Thrive

Half of the world's refugees are children.  

They've survived the unthinkable: devastating violence, constant instability and ever-present threats of hunger. Conflict has destroyed the homes, schools and lives they once knew.  

Our leaders can build a world where child refugees grow up healthy, educated and safe – no matter what disaster they're facing.  

Please, tell Congress to fund lifesaving support. Kids' futures depend on it. 

To whom it may concern: 

Forty percent of refugees globally are children. Displaced from their homes, they face incredible challenges and threats to their ability to survive and thrive. As devastating disasters impact millions around the world, our nation's long-standing commitment to humanitarian principles and values has never been more essential.   

Only by responding to today's crises and rebuilding a more resilient, peaceful, equitable and economically prosperous global community will we ensure a world where generations of kids grow up healthy, educated and safe.  

As an advocate for children, I urge you to support robust investment in the Migration and Refugee Assistance account (of $4.85 billion) and the International Disaster Assistance account (of $4.211 billion) In the FY25 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill.    

These accounts provide critical support for tens of millions of children living through crises and conflict – like the one forcing families to flee Sudan at this very moment. Maintaining funding to scale with global needs is crucial to prevent loss of life, support stability and well-being in volatile regions and protect and expand development gains won over decades. 

Children's lives and futures depend on us. Please, fund critical support.

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