Raise Fuel Efficiency Standards and Close the SUV Loophole!
Cars and light trucks in the U.S. consume nearly as much oil as Saudi Arabia produces, and emit more than 300 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year. We must break our nation's dependence on foreign oil and curb our carbon emissions to combat global warming!
Simply raising fuel efficiency standards to 39 miles per gallon would save more than three times the amount of oil that drilling proponents estimate is in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge! The technology exists what are we waiting for?
Please sign this petition to urge the U.S. Government to raise the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE) and close existing loopholes in the law that allow automakers like Subaru to classify their "Outback" cars as trucks to avoid higher fuel economy standards. Our environment, health, and national security depend on it!
Dear President Bush:
I am writing to urge you to make meaningful reforms to the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE) to close loopholes and raise the fuel economy of our nation's cars and trucks. Your administration's proposed reforms do not go far enough to raise fuel economy standards and close existing loopholes in the law that allow automakers like Subaru to classify their "Outback" cars as trucks to avoid higher fuel economy standards.
Cars and light trucks in the U.S. consume nearly as much oil as Saudia Arabia produces, and emit more than 300 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year. We must break our nation's dependence on foreign oil and curb our carbon emissions to combat global climate change.
For our national security and our environment, we must raise the CAFE standard and close the SUV loophole. I urge you to act quickly and take meaningful action to raise fuel economy standards and close all loopholes that currently exempt gas-guzzling vehicles from the law.
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