We need your help!! Save Horses from being cruely slaughtered! Kentucky legislature setting the stage for the slaughter of horses wiyh SB139 »

  • al: Karin R
  • destinatario: WebAdmin@lrc.ky.gov

SB139 passes the Kentucky State House Ag Committee 15-0-0
Posted on Mar 8, 2017 by VGrF

FRANKFORT, KY — Despite the news about the existence of SB139 going viral with people all across Kentucky contacting the State Legislature opposing the measure, this morning the bill passed out of the State Agricultural Committee unanimously with a vote count of 15-0-0.

SB139 endangers what protections horses currently have in Kentucky against cruelty and abuse by lowering their status from a domestic animal to livestock. It also opens the door to horse slaughter in Kentucky should that return to US soil.

This move is strongly supported by the agricultural and horse racing communities in Kentucky who already treat horses with shocking disrespect.

The next step is to send it to the full Kentucky State House for a vote. If SB139 passes there the bill will be sent to the Governor to sign into law.

Kentuckians, please continue to speak out against this bill.

The horses are counting on us to defend them to the final minute. And the fight won’t even be over then.

Feel like sipping some Kentucky bourbon? Feel like watching or betting on the Kentucky Derby? Or buying anything from Kentucky with this going on?

Ask the people of Tennessee what horse soring has done for their economy. Just saying.


• So happy together: Supporters of Kentucky State bill SB139 reducing horses to livestock status »

• Kentucky legislature setting the stage for the slaughter of horses wiyh SB139 »

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Put an end to SB139! Save these majestic creatures, they are not Livestock!

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