Right now, the increased demand for wood pellets as a fuel source in Europe, and particularly in the United Kingdom, is driving the destruction of forests in the Southern United States.
The devastation of the South's great forests is impacting our health, environment, climate and quality of life. Standing forests are our best defense against climate change, while providing communities with clean air to breathe, water to drink and natural protection from flooding and hurricanes. They are also home to countless species of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world.
Burning wood pellets for fuel is being wrongly sold as a solution to climate change and a feasible alternative to coal. Mounting evidence has shown that unique hardwood forests like wetlands are being leveled and shipped overseas with no benefits to our communities or climate.
We cannot stand by while the South's forests are destroyed to fuel Europe's energy needs. Alternatives exist, including true renewables like solar, wind and geothermal energy that are significantly less destructive sources of energy.
Sign the petition and tell President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker to stop the destruction of our Southern forests and instead promote clean energy alternatives!
Subject: Stop the destruction of Southern forests
Dear President Juncker,
I am writing to express my concerns about the devastation to forests and communities in the Southern United States caused by the rapidly increasing demand for wood pellets that are being burned in European power stations. I ask you to take action now to Save Our Southern forests.
As you are well aware, the increased demand for wood as a fuel source in the EU and particularly in the United Kingdom is driving the expansion of wood pellet manufacturing and export in the Southern US. The production of these wood pellets from our forests negatively affects our health, environment, climate and quality of life. This is an SOS message - Save Our Southern Forests!
The large-scale burning of wood pellets is not a solution to climate change or a feasible alternative to coal. Mounting scientific research shows that burning wood pellets manufactured from trees will increase near-term carbon emissions and accelerate climate change. A recent report released by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change confirms that all scenarios in which whole trees or coarse woody residuals are used for wood pellets produce a result that is not carbon beneficial.
Additionally, our living forests provide many benefits. Standing forests are our best defense against climate change through gathering and storing carbon. Forests provide our communities with clean air to breathe, water to drink and natural protection from flooding and hurricanes. They are home to countless species of plants and animals found nowhere else on earth. Cutting them down as a solution to the climate crisis is bad policy and makes no sense. We can no longer invest in forest destruction; we need to focus on forest conservation.
Alternatives do exist, including true renewables like solar, wind and geothermal energy that are significantly less destructive sources of energy. Rather than investing in near-term and short-sighted solutions, we should be increasing these types of energy investments.
[Your Comment]
Hear our SOS message. Don’t let your climate legacy be one of forest destruction,take action now. Consider these alternatives and stop incentivizing the use of trees for fuel in your renewable energy policies. The future of our forests, climate and health depends on it.
[Your Name]