Tell the Broncos: Give fans back their season ticket licenses

No team can survive without its fans. But the Denver Broncos seem to think that they have the right to jerk around some of their most loyal supporters.
The team's season ticket policy states that if a fan doesn't use his or her season tickets for the entire season, that fan loses the right to purchase season tickets the next year. This heavy-handed, inflexible, anti-fan policy does not allow a fan to miss a game for health or family reasons. Miss one game and you could lose your season tickets. This year, the Broncos revoked season ticket licenses from several fans who'd missed games due to serious and unavoidable problems.
One fan lost his license for missing games while they cared for an ailing parent. Another family lost their tickets while going through fertility treatments. A third missed games while recovering from a collapsed lung. The stories don't end. This is not right!
None of these fans forswore their loyalty to the team, even while enduring some of life's biggest hardships. But, the Broncos forced them to choose between health and fandom and punished them when they chose their family or personal health. That's not fair. It's time the do the right thing and give these fans back their tickets!  The team can afford it and are just being greedy. Mile High City deserves better.
Dear Broncos Staff,

I am writing today to express my deep disappointment in the Broncos organization for revoking the season ticket licenses of devoted fans who, due to extenuating circumstances, were unable to attend games last season. I am urging you to do the right thing and reinstate their license before the seasons starts.

I was disheartened to read about the Broncos' heartless treatment of fans who missed games while dealing with some of life's biggest challenges, like personal health problems and caring for ailing parents. None of these fans forswore their loyalty to the team, even during hard times. But your organization forced them to choose between family and fandom, and punished those who put their loved ones and their own health first. That's not acceptable

Your season ticket license policy is heavy-handed, inflexible, and must be changed to allow for life to get in the way of sport. Broncos fans are some of the most devoted in the NFL. Your organization should treat them with the respect they deserve.

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