Bring Meatless Mondays to ALL of America's Public Schools

  • al:
  • destinatario: Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack

In light of concerns about the planet and America's health, the Meatless Monday initiative continues to spread and is now making its way into public services like schools and hospitals.

Meatless Mondays are a small personal change that make a huge difference. Baltimore Public Schools launched Meatless Mondays and anticipate buying 120,000 fewer pounds of meat for the school year.

Eliminating meat from Monday lunch menus is a smart move for kids' health and the environment. Reducing meat can decrease intake of saturated fat and increase eating healthy fruits and vegetables. And numerous reports indicate that reducing meat consumption is integral to reducing environmental problems like water pollution and climate change.

Let's maximize the potential of Meatless Mondays and bring this revolutionary idea to all of America's public schools. Tell Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack of the USDA, which oversees the National School Lunch Program, to make Meatless Mondays mandatory in public schools.

Dear Secretary Vilsack,

Meatless Mondays are a small personal change that make a huge difference. Baltimore Public Schools launched Meatless Mondays and anticipate buying 120,000 fewer pounds of meat for the school year.

Eliminating meat from public schools' Monday lunch menus is a smart move for kids' health and the environment.

[your comments will be inserted here]

Reducing meat can decrease intake of saturated fat and increase eating healthy fruits and vegetables. And the environmental impacts of cutting down on meat have been proven time and again. For example, a vegetarian diet uses THOUSANDS less gallons of water per day than a meat-eating one. Numerous reports indicate that reducing meat consumption is integral to reducing environmental problems like water pollution and climate change.

Meat industry lobbyists are pushing against Meatless Mondays, and we must push back. For years these lobbyists have influenced American dietary guidelines in their favor at the cost of environmental and human health.

Initiating Meatless Mondays into public schools can teach kids about nutritional balance in one's diet and make a significant impact on our environment. Maximize the potential of Meatless Mondays and bring this revolutionary idea to all of America's public schools.
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