Brazil: Don’t Abandon your Commitment to the Paris Climate Accord
- al: Jaime M
- destinatario: President Michel Temer
Trump has relinquished the role of global leader when it comes to fighting climate change. By doing so he has signaled to other nations that there will be no repercussions if they follow suit.
And countries have noticed. It looks as if Brazil will be the next country to step away from their duties of the Paris Climate Accord (PCA) as the country is considering new legislation that would make it all but impossible for them to meet their PCA targets.
Brazil - the guardian of the Amazon - was once considered a global leader on battling climate change. But if their congress goes through with the new measures all their progress could be lost. Lawmakers have already opened up 1.4 million acres of previously protected lands to logging, mining and other concerns. And according to experts the drop in protections could lead to the release of a staggering 150 million tons of CO2.
Now even more indigenous and protected lands are on the chopping block. This would put the PAC on even more unstable ground and reverse the clock on efforts they have already made. Trump has already abandoned ship, let’s not let another country, that has the power to make a change for the better ride in his wake. Let’s tell Brazil that the world is watching and we need them to stay strong and keep to their PAC targets!
Dear President Temer,
I am very troubled by your country’s move to loosen protections on some of the most pristine and important rainforest lands in the world. The indigenous people who call them home deserve to have their lands protected and the rest of the world is depending on you to hold fast and continue your commitment to the PCA even as other world leaders waiver. What you do next could have irreversible damage on the Earth. Please abandon your plans to open up more land to private interests and continue to be the leader in the battle against climate change you have been for many years.
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