Stop Foie Gras Abuse

  • al: Nita Anderson
  • destinatario: Senators and State Representatives, Congress
Recognizing the cruelty inherent in foie gras production, compassionate lawmakers have introduced legislation in Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York to ban the force-feeding of ducks and geese for foie gras. If you live in one of those states, please contact your Senator or State Representative to help ensure passage of this humane legislation. If you don’t live in a state where legislation is pending to ban foie gras, please contact for information on how to begin the process. You can find out how to reach your legislators at these two sites:

Foie gras literally means "fatty liver" in French. To produce it, young ducks or geese have over four pounds of corn mush forced down their throats through a long metal pipe each day for two to three weeks until they can barely move and are on the verge of organ rupture and death. For a 150 pound human, this would be equivalent to 60 pounds of food per day.

The force-feeding process causes the ducks' livers to swell up to ten times their normal size, inducing a disease that veterinarians call "hepatic lipidosis." These fattened, diseased livers are sold as "foie gras."  This abuse must be stopped!

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