Tell U.S. Congress: Protect Women’s Health and Rights

The Mexico City Policy is a dangerous and harmful U.S. policy that undermines women's health and rights and puts thousands of lives at risk every year.

Use your voice now to pass the Global Health, Empowerment, and Rights (HER) Act in U.S. Congress now, which would permanently end the Mexico City Policy.

Under the policy, organizations that receive U.S. foreign assistance for global health, including for HIV prevention, maternal health services, and family planning, must choose between receiving critical U.S. funding for medical services or providing comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care that saves lives. Without permanently repealing the policy, future presidents can – and will – reinstate the policy, interrupting health services and raising rates of maternal death.

Speak up for women's health and rights today.
I am a constituent of yours in [@advState]. I am writing today to urge you to cosponsor and advocate to pass the Global Heath, Empowerment and Rights (HER) Act (H.R. 1838  and S. 1098), which would permanently repeal the deadly and dangerous Mexico City Policy, by including the Global HER Act in the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) bill.

The Mexico City Policy restricts U.S. global health assistance to foreign organizations who provide legal abortion counseling or services, even with funds raised from other sources (U.S. law already forbids U.S. funding from being used to perform abortions). This means that organizations that receive U.S. international aid must choose between receiving critical U.S. funding or providing comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care that saves lives.

The Mexico City Policy results in more unintended pregnancies, higher rates of maternal mortality, and an increase in unsafe abortions. The policy also interrupts other critical health services such as HIV and AIDS prevention and programming and other programs meant to strengthen water, sanitation, and hygiene.    

While President Biden has rescinded the Mexico City Policy, without permanently repealing the policy, future presidents can and will reinstate it, interrupting health services and raising rates of maternal deaths.   

Please cosponsor the Global HER Act or if you already have, please advocate to include it in the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) bill and repeal the dangerous and deadly Mexico City Policy for good.
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