URGENT: provide sufficient funding to the NHS NOW!

People's Assembly logo
Health Campaigns Together logo
  • For a fully funded, publicly owned NHS & social care service.
  • No cuts, no closures, no privatisation.
  • End the pay restraint for NHS staff.

We must fight to save the NHS from destruction. The threat is real. It is happening now. Hospitals, GPs, mental health, ambulance and community services are on their knees.

The Red Cross has just declared the impact of the underfunding of A&E wards as a humanitarian crisis. Wards are full because sick people cannot be sent home with no care as they will die. But social care has been cut so home care is rare. People are dying as they wait for a hospital bed. This is an emergency.

This can all be avoided if only the Government properly fund the NHS. They say they have increased funding, but in real terms, it is effectively a cut in funding per person - and quite simply not enough. They have the money as can be seen by the tax breaks they give to millionaires and large corporations.

"The NHS will last as long as there are folk with the faith to fight for it." - Nye Bevan, founder of the NHS. The NHS is one of our greatest achievements. We cannot allow it to be undermined and ultimately destroyed.

Sign now to demand urgent funding be given to the NHS & social care immediately before more people die unnecessarily.
More info
Private companies are gaining an ever greater foothold within the NHS. The Government's Sustainability and Transformation plans are a smokescreen for a massive programme of hospital and community service closures and are its latest instrument for privatisation. 

Years of pay restraint has seen the value of NHS staff salaries reduce by 14% since 2010.
Actualizar #2hace 6 años
TODAY: Join us in London for a huge demonstration to save the NHS. Click here for more info.
Our NHS is 70
Celebrate and Demonstrate
#OurNHS70 - Free, for all, forever
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Don't forget! This Saturday 4 March come to #OurNHS demonstration - 12PM Tavistock Square, London (Tubes: Euston/Russell Sq.). It's going to be huge! No cuts, no closures, no privatisation. Rescue our NHS. See you there!
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