Say NO to Chinese Greyhound Racing Stadiums

  • al: Nyack Clancy
  • destinatario: Ireland Agriculture, Marine and Food Ministry,- Irish Greyhound Board

The Irish Greyhound Board was considering shipping some of its greyhounds to the People's Republic of China so the Chinese can introduce greyhound racing to that country, - but the Irish Department of Agriculture refused to approve the proposal to export Irish greyhounds to China.

However, The Irish Greyhound Board is continuing to explore the possibility of helping to manage Chinese greyhound stadiums. It previously held talks with Beijing authorities about establishing a multi-million-euro greyhound franchise in China.

We urge members of The Irish Greyhound Board to stop support for greyhound racing in China due to the lack of animal welfare standards in the People's Republic of China. Further, we urge an end greyhound racing in Ireland as a way to fostering a public understanding of and respect for the humane treatment of animals in Ireland.

Agriculture, Marine and Food
Marine Institute Headquarters
Simon Coveney, Minister
Co. Galway,Ireland

Irish Greyhound Board
Mr. Barry Coleman
New Limerick Greyhound Stadium
Dock Road

The Irish Greyhound Board was considering shipping some of its greyhounds to the People's Republic of China so the Chinese can introduce greyhound racing to that country, - but the Irish Department of Agriculture refused to approve the proposal to export Irish greyhounds to China.

However, The Irish Greyhound Board is continuing to explore the possibility of helping to manage Chinese greyhound stadiums. It previously held talks with Beijing authorities about establishing a multi-million-euro greyhound franchise in China.

We urge members of The Irish Greyhound Board to stop support for greyhound racing in China due to the lack of animal welfare standards in the People's Republic of China. Further, we urge an end greyhound racing in Ireland as a way to fostering a public understanding of and respect for the humane treatment of animals in Ireland.

Agriculture, Marine and Food
Marine Institute Headquarters
Simon Coveney, Minister
Co. Galway,Ireland

Irish Greyhound Board
Mr. Barry Coleman
New Limerick Greyhound Stadium
Dock Road

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