At this time of crisis, Senator Tuberville needs to STOP playing games with essential military appointments

For months, Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville has been single-handedly blocking the nominees for hundreds of critically important defense positions, all to score points with anti-abortion extremists, who object to the military covering travel expenses for service members who need to obtain the procedure.

And Tuberville is still refusing to back down, even at this time of crisis, when the military needs its best people in the right roles. Experts across the political spectrum agree that his actions endanger us, "impacting a number of senior military appointments in the Middle East, as the Pentagon moves to bolster its presence in the region amid the ongoing crisis in Israel."

Tuberville is putting our nation at risk. He's been able to block these appointments because of a ridiculous Senate tradition that allows just one senator to block Senate action, even if the other 99 disagree.

Enough is enough. It's long past time for Tuberville to stop this ridiculous charade and allow our military to function. Sign your name: Demand Tuberville STOP single-handedly blocking military appointments >>

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