(Bullets Law)..Nationwide animal offender registry in the United States!

We want to make it so that anyone who is convicted of mistreating or neglecting an animal would be forced to register with the police for a public online forum as an animal offender.

This means that every authority in the country knows about that person's condition and would be able to make an informed decision. In addition, the person registered as an offender should not be allowed to keep pets again. In addition, Child Services should be informed and should evaluate whether that offender is fit to have custody / be around children. The reason for such a measure is that if people are capable of hurting a helpless animal, they have a likelihood of doing the same to a child!

We, feel that this is very important for our communities. We strongly believe that such a measure would benefit both the population and law enforcement immensely!

Giuseppe Vazzino

Just like for children, if someone could hurt a poor defenseless animal then they probably will do the same to your child or someone you love!!

We need at least 50,000 signatures to get it on the ballot so we can VOTE on it!!

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