Two Dogs Died at a Pet Kennel With a History of Abuse. Justice for Sammy and Cartelo!

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Hamilton Police, Ontario

In a horrifying incident, two dogs tragically died of abuse at a pet boarding facility in Hamilton. Six-year-old Sammy and a puppy named Cartelo died within hours of each other, sparking outrage. Tragically, this is not the first time concerns of abuse have been raised about this pet boarding facility, so it should have been investigated before two innocent dogs died.

Sign this petition to demand that Hamilton authorities thoroughly investigate this pet boarding facility and permanently ban these owners from ever having pet custody again!

It's simple: the deaths of Sammy and Cartelo could have been prevented. Reports from pet owners describe animals returned home with injuries, soaked in urine, or displaying signs of severe distress. 

The loss of Sammy and Cartelo is a grim reminder of what can happen when pet facilities fail in their duty of care. As pet lovers and advocates for animal welfare, we must demand justice and ensure such negligence and potential cruelty ends now.

Sign this petition to demand justice for Sammy and Cartelo!

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