Demand Better Protection for Zoo Animals

  • al: Care2 member
  • destinatario: Mayor of Albuquerque, Richard J. Berry
"Recently, a Tasmanian devil was brutally murdered inside of its enclosure. The autopsy of the animal confirmed that it was forcefully hit with a brick, which fractured its skull. Officials of the Albuquerque Bio Park Zoo in New Mexico are not certain who killed the Tasmanian devil. However, investigators do know that the killer was either a park employee or guest. The enclosure did not have sufficient security, only cameras on the path leading up to the enclosure, but not in it. To prevent this type of tragedy from happening again, security changes must be made in the zoo.
If an organization such as a zoo insists on keeping wild animals in captivity, it must work tirelessly to protect them. Not having a surveillance camera within an enclosure is unacceptable. Urge Mayor Richard Berry to require that Albuquerque Bio Park Zoo increase its park security, including adding surveillance in all enclosures, to ensure this tragedy does not happen again."
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