Make Lion Meat Illegal in Illinois

  • al: Animal Advocates
  • destinatario: Illinois Agriculture & Conservation Committee
Illinois Representative Luis Arroyo has introduced a bill (HB 2991), the Lion Meat Act, that would make it unlawful for any person to slaughter a lion or for any person to possess, breed, import or export from Illinois, buy, or sell lions for the purpose of slaughter. The bill provides that it is unlawful to commercialize lion meat.

The African lion is listed as threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and is endangered in certain West African countries. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering protecting African lions under the Endangered Species Act, primarily to stop the trade in hunting trophies and lion skins that would prevent the sale of lion meat- but that hasnt happened yet, and there is no telling when it may happen (if it does at all).

In the meantime, the endangered animal is being raised on United States farms for slaughter, and tuning up on menus throughout the country.

We ask that Illinois Agriculture & Conservation Committee Members support the Lion Meat Act, (HB 2991), and make further slaughter for human consumption illegal, as the African Lion is facing extinction.

Illinois Agriculture & Conservation Committee Members


Illinois Representative Luis Arroyo has introduced a bill (HB 2991), the Lion Meat Act, that would make it unlawful for any person to slaughter a lion or for any person to possess, breed, import or export from Illinois, buy, or sell lions for the purpose of slaughter. The bill provides that it is unlawful to commercialize lion meat.

The African lion is listed as threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and is endangered in certain West African countries. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering protecting African lions under the Endangered Species Act, primarily to stop the trade in hunting trophies and lion skins that would prevent the sale of lion meat- but that hasnt happened yet, and there is no telling when it may happen (if it does at all).

In the meantime, the endangered animal is being raised on United States farms for slaughter, and tuning up on menus throughout the country.

We ask that Illinois Agriculture & Conservation Committee Members support the Lion Meat Act, (HB 2991), and make further slaughter for human consumption illegal, as the African Lion is facing extinction.

Illinois Agriculture & Conservation Committee Members


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