Actualizar #5hace 9 años
PLEASE POST THIS PETITION ON YOUR FB TIMELINE SO THIS GOES VIRAL Returning to Cabo San Lucas for one last time January 18/16. We really need to hand them this petition to free the Dolphin's they keep cooped up in a swimming pool.Were at 1362 but I think they will just politely laugh.Is there anyway someone know's how to make it grow to 100,000 in the next 2 months? Please post this petition to your FB page to free these poor souls. I BEG OF YOU GOD BLESS ALL
Actualizar #4hace 9 años
I want to thank all those who signed my petition and a special nod to the latest signers who pushed us over the 500 mark.It started off quick and then died off but I will keep trying until I go back to Cabo in February where I will hand them in person.Not sure how much impact it will have but I'm going to try no matter what!Maybe in the next few will grow to a 1000 I appreciate any help to keep it active as I have tried the most I can. Thank You always Daryl
Actualizar #3hace 9 años
I would like to THANK EVERYONE that signed my first petition.Were at 497 signatures and would like to reach that 500 mark.If you can help me to reach that number please help me to do so.I would love to reach 5000 but I guess 500 is good for my first petition but this isn't about me.It is about those poor dolphins languishing in that swimming pool they are forced to call home.Please help me free them! Thanks everyone.Daryl
Actualizar #2hace 9 años
I visited Cabo Dolphins last year and couldn't believe how beautiful this area is.The Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean split are a mere 1000 yards from this captive cement pond that are Dolphins of Cabo.I was hoping for at least 1000 signatures.They can easily smell the Ocean and if they jumped high enough they could see it as well. I hope to return in 6 months and would like nothing better than to hand them my petition with a million signatures.
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
I would like to Thank all who signed this petition I started after visiting the facility on holidays.We were off to a great start then the petition seemed to hit a wall and signatures stopped.I won't give up until all the dolphins in their cement cage have been released.I am new to the internet so bear with me in this cause.If any of you know any bloggers about the life of caged Dolphins to please send this petition on to them .Thank you all again for your help. Daryl