Prosecute the Trump campaign official who assaulted an Arlington National Cemetery employee

  • al: Left Action
  • destinatario: Federal and state officials

The US Army has issued a rare and stinging rebuke to the Trump campaign for its atrocious behavior at Arlington National Cemetery, and in particular for the physical assault of a Cemetery employee by a Trump campaign staffer:

"Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside," the Army spokesperson said in the statement on Thursday. Section 60 is an area in the cemetery largely reserved for the graves of those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked. ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the Armed Forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation's fallen deserve," the statement said. (Source: CNN)

Seriously, what the hell is going on here?  There is no universe in which this is even remotely acceptable.  A Trump campaign staffer physically assaulted an employee who was simply trying to get them to follow the law.

This ends now. That staffer must be punished.  To the maximum extent of the law.

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BREAKING: NPR has identified the two Trump campaign officials who verbally abused and assaulted an Arlington National Cemetery employee. Demand they be fired NOW!

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