• al: Kelly Coldewey
  • destinatario: Auckland Mayor Leonard Brown and Auckland Zoo's Director Jonathan Wilcken

Please support this petition by signing to save the Asian Elephant taken from it's Mother and gifted from The Sri Lanka Government to the Auckland Zoo. This is the second elephant the Sir Lankan Government has "Gifted" to this zoo. We Do Not Use Wild Animals As Trade. This is a life, with strong family bonds, and she matters! This will bring this Island Country to three captive elephants in this zoo. Which is three to many!

Elephants are highly intelligent, complex and self-aware individuals who have evolved for long distance living. In the wild they range tens of miles a day, live in large, tight-knit family groups, and communicate with one another at great distances. Yet zoos keep elephants in tiny exhibits of a few acres or less, where lack of movement and standing on hard surfaces cause painful foot infections and arthritis, the leading causes of euthanasia in captive-held elephants. The stress and boredom of intensive captivity results in abnormal behaviors such as repetitive swaying and head bobbing.

The process to bring the elephants to New Zealand includes a quarantine in their country of origin, flying them to the island of Niue for medical checks and more quarantine procedures before coming to Auckland. Yet Auckland's Mayor defends the Council vote by saying that the decision was important in helping Auckland become a major tourist destination and making the city the capital of events.

Please, we must end this age old practice of hiding behind the word "Gifted" , when we all know, nothing comes for free. Our elephants are not pawns. They are wild animals that deserve to live their lives in the wild, with their families. They were NOT put here for Human Entertainment. PLEASE TAKE A STAND AGAINST THIS CRUEL, BARBARIC ABUSE OF OUR PRECIOUS ELEPHANTS. Thank you!

Dear Sir,

This is my second attempt to get you to change your mind about taking Nandi from her Mother.  It is very tramatic for a young Elephant to be taken from her family. A Zoo is no where for a wild animal to live out it's life in captivity. It is cruel. Our Wildlife our not ours to own.  I ask you again, as well as all the signers of this petition to leave Nandi alone. Don't do this to an innocent sole. The life for an Elephant in a Zoo, is nothing more than a life time in prison.  She commited no crime. Why would you do this to her? 

I would really appreciate an answer this time.  Thank you.

Kelly S. Coldewey - H.O.P.E. Help Our Precious Elephants

Actualizar #1hace 9 años
We have reached our goal of 3000, in two days! Let's see if we can quickly make it to 4000. Time is short, this is an urgent situation. Please, share with anyone and everyone! Thank you for supporting this petition. I saw a picture of little Nandi with her Mother.... Please don't let them take her away...... Thank you! <3
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