Keep Dr. Ruff!

The Dean of Academics & Student Life, Dr. Ruff may be in trouble from his position at the Downingtown STEM Academy due to a recent internet video where Dr. Ruff makes several statements that can be seen as controversial to certain religious groups.

Dr. Ruff is a crucial and valuable member of the STEM community. As the Dean of Academics & Student Life, Dr. Ruff has consistently continued to make sure that his students are safe and they have a comfortable environment to learn in. As a founding member of the STEM Academy, and a loyal district employee for 15 years, he has worked tirelessly to make the STEM Academy as best as it can be, and the school's ratings speak for themselves. His spirit in the school is a large part of what makes the STEM Academy great and thrive. He is always trying to make this challenging institution better and is incredibly effective at his job.

Sign this petition to show that you care about Dr. Ruff, that you do not want him to lose his job over this incident, and to let him know what you think as well!

We and those who sign this petition plead to the Downingtown Area School Board to keep Dr. Zach Ruff as the Dean of Academics and Student Life at the Downingtown STEM Academy. 

UPDATE: The goal is 787 signatures because there are 787 students at STEM but I raised the limit to see how much more we can get!

UPDATE 2: Dr. Ruff has resigned his position at the STEM Academy. To keep him financially stable, a friend has started a gofundme for Dr. Ruff. The gofundme can be found here. There is no pressure to donate, but know that if you do donate it is extremely appreciated.

DISCLAIMER: We did not create this Gofundme, nor are we in any control of the account/money.

The reason that this petition exists is that we do not want to see Dr. Ruff leave. We sign this petition to show our support for Dr. Ruff and to express how valuable and popular he is to our community and removing him from our wonderful community we have built would be detrimental. 

Actualizar #2hace 7 años
Hey everyone! A friend started a gofundme for Dr. Ruff now that he has resigned. The gofundme is intended to get him back on his feet. There is no pressure to donate but any money donated is much appreciated. Any amount is appreciated whether its a few dollars or hundreds. Thank you again.

Here is the link:
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
On May 11th, Dr. Ruff has resigned to the Downingtown Area School District board. We are deeply saddened by the news of Dr. Ruff’s resignation. We may have lost the fight but it was a fight worth fighting. There were many factors out of our control. We respect Dr. Ruff's decision and believe it displays integrity. We would like to thank all of you who signed this petition for helping us fight keep Dr. Ruff at the STEM Academy. Thank you all again, you gave us hope in a time we didn't have any!
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