More Protection for the Clouded Leopard

  • al: Anonymous
  • destinatario: Chief of Enforcement Support in the CITES Secretariat, International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Skins, claws and teeth of the clouded leopard are offered for decoration and clothing, bones and meat as substitute for the tiger in traditional Asian Medicines and tonics, and live animals for the pet trade.

Even though hunting is banned in Bangladesh, China, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam, the clouded leopard is already regionally extinct in Taiwan. In Cambodia, no information is available about it's protected status, and it is not protected outside Bhutan's protected areas.

Clouded leopards are not recieving adequate protection on borders of China and Thailand and are vunerable to commercial poachers and international buyers. Substantial domestic markets exist in Indonesia, Myanmar and Vietnam.

We ask that you step up protections for Clouded Leopard and stop the trade of this cat- as tigers become harder to find, many are resorting to other big cats as substitutes and endangering the species with extinction.

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