Support the return of Psychic TV to Free to Air.

  • al: Susan Walton
  • destinatario: Television stations in Australia
Psychic TV while on air, was a critical way of supporting people in crisis, spiritual enhancement and public guidance. The show filled the gap that main stream society services could not provide for people in need I assistance with guidance and wisdom.

The health values alone from being able to access a service like Psychic Tv publicly, takes the stress off the health system in Australia and assists people in remote locations with someone to talk too in times of need.

Since the show has ended, people have become lost once again and still require the services that were provided.

There are other benefits too, employment for the two main hosts? TV crew and behind the scene and psychics.

It is something that is being more accepted and interesting to everyone in daily life.

Please sign this petition so that we can let
The television stations in Australia know we need this service on TV.
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