We are FIRING The US Government
Let The People Have Their Say
Because We Are All Leaders Everyday
With The People's 7C Constitution
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m96OZILe_1Y
We need this plan for a new world capitol: bit.ly/7C-GOV
And we need a new 7 Concepts Constitution based on Love and Altruism: bit.ly/7C42PDF
Are you upset at your own government and all the injustice going on, and feeling like they never listen to you.
All the poverty, homelessness, low paying jobs, job deserts, high rent, impossible cost of living, and ripoff utilities.
Or an unfair justice system with harsh barbaric punishment solutions, when we all deserve a Right to Mercy, and a Right NOT to be Punished, for alternative solutions that actually fix ongoing problems, without making us further in debt with predatory fines.
Don't you get the sense that petitions don't work, and fall on deaf representation.
Well, consider changing your constitution to a new government that will listen to you, and doesn't get lost in lobbyist auction style legislation, and actually get things done.
This is not a petition to raise money, or to send to congress, but to bring awareness to a new system that makes a government what it should be, by and for The PEOPLE.
Please download, read, and copy The 7C Constitution PDF file to everyone:
bit.ly/7C42PDF or bit.ly/7C-GOV
We want a new government that is designed to create jobs, and redistributes the wealth to everyone equally instead of to the top 1%.
A system that taxes only businesses at 100% of profits (Not revenue) to ensure everyone gets an equal share of the profits we worked so hard for, but doesn't tax us.
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0rwHDz864s
That's right, No more income tax, sales tax, property tax, or any other tax, and we all get to vote on where that money goes.
We will get FREE food, water, housing, utilities, medical, clothes, amenities, and all other needs to life, because we earned it.
Poverty will be eliminated forever, and we will never get evicted again.
We will get a Rights system far beyond anything before seen, and puts power back into the hands of The PEOPLE.
We are getting over 500 Rights in our 7C Constitution, and that's 4x more than any other constitution on the planet.
We are cutting out legislators, for a council system that CANNOT vote, but only the people vote without restrictions.
We will all have a chance to be a President for a day, giving our ideas to the people, instead of to representatives that ignore us.
We are starting a new government, in new locations, Omaha and Seattle, and are remaking them into world capitals for everyone to join voluntarily.
We are all aware of global warming, but congress does nothing to stop it. Global warming is a threat to everyone worldwide, because Antarctica is rapidly melting into the oceans enough to raise the sea level 80 meters, or 280 feet. This is why we need to relocate our capital, and world treasures on higher ground. Washington DC is about to become the seafloor, but ignores it entirely. The UN is aware but nobody has a comprehensive plan until now.
We will eliminate police corruption and violence with a new justice system that fixes problems for real, and creates communities of different ideologies instead of inhumane jails that torture everyone. We will no longer be labeled criminals, but be recognized as different from others, and be given a choice on sentences into compatible communities. Treatments will be fair and compatible, and never destroy anyone's life. Drugs will no longer be illegal, and be free, because 99% of burglars and thieves are drug addicts. We will solve it like Portugal, which eliminated 97% of their theft crimes.
We need a system that works for everyone:
The new 7 Concepts Constitution based on Love and Altruism: bit.ly/7C42PDF or bit.ly/7C-GOV
There is no limit on signatures, because we need awareness of new ways to fix everything. 7C is a Constitution for the world, freely chosen and not forced.
There is no limit on money donated to start the new capital or new system, just to buy the land and startup resources. If Bill Gates, and Google can start their own cities, we can too, but crowd sourced.