Expel Lauren Boebert from Congress for making up bigoted lies to smear Democrats!

Through her hateful anti-muslim rhetoric, Rep. Lauren Boebert has joined the packed team of Republican legislators clearly unfit for their Congressional seats. Boebert, in a repulsive display, returned to her home district to tell a story about Rep. Ilhan Omar… that included referring to her and her colleagues as the "Jihad squad." 

Boebert went on to reinforce harmful stereotypes that directly endanger our Muslim neighbors — by alluding that she was worried Omar could have had a bomb, and the only thing that prevented that worry was that Omar did not have a backpack.

It's bigotry that's clear as day.

Add your name to call for the expulsion of Lauren Boebert from Congress!

The inaction from our leaders to expel Rep. Boebert after her heinous comments are partially thanks to the precedent set by her QANON colleagues. Representative Gosar is still in Congress after sharing a violent video depicting AOC's murder, Marjorie Taylor Greene is still in Congress after spreading wild conspiracy, and to top it off — there are Members of Congress that are currently being investigated for their involvement in a fatal insurrection.

It's time for our leaders to take a firm stand against the dangerous behavior being conducted by members of the GOP.

Sign now to demand the immediate expulsion of Rep. Lauren Boebert for her dangerous anti-Muslim rhetoric!

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