Stop Alaska Fish and Game's Aerial Wolf Killing

  • al: Barry N
  • destinatario: Bill Walker ,Governor of Alaska

Aerial gunners for Alaska Fish and Game recently killed18 wolves to boost moose numbers, according to a report by The Anchorage Dispatch.

This agency reportedly used a fixed-wing aircraft to spot the wolves, and then brought in a helicopter to kill the wolves with shotguns.

But the moose population would be better balanced if the state limited hunting licenses for rich out-of-state hunters. Likewise, independent scientific studies by noted biologists demonstrate that more willow plantations could boost moose populations.

Within certain moose populations, we find declining numbers are caused by many other environmental issues. And yet the state continues to scapegoat wolves and kill them with aerial gunning.

Needless aerial wolf killing must end. Please sign my petition and tell The State of Alaska and the Alaska Board Of Game to stop destroying wolf populations throughout the state of Alaska through barbaric aerial extermination.

Governor Walker: We the undersigned demand that you immediately halt Alaska Fish and Game's and the Alaska Board of Game's aerial wolf killing operations in the state of Alaska. This is barbaric practice, which uses fixed wing aircraft and helicopters to spot, chase, and kill wolves, is clearly lacking substantial environmental proof that wolves are, in fact, the cause of declining moose numbers. We seek a public statement that makes clear that aerial wolf killing will cease immediately. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, R. Barry Neil

Actualizar #5hace 9 años
Information officer for AFG wrote to say that it is not clear what 18 wolves we were talking about and went on to state 18 wolves were harvested over the last five years and were not "executed" by Alaska Fish and Game , they were legally taken by Alaskans. Wolves are not threatened in Alaska. I get the feeling that the information officer has no clue what this petition is about.
Actualizar #4hace 9 años
Submitted the petition to the governors office and was told that someone would get back to me. Basically a complete waste of time being it this petition is being ignored by the sate and the local media.
Defenders of Wildlife and their kind will never receive one cent from me. .
I have to thank all the supporting petitioners for taking the time to make an effort on behalf of wolves in Alaska.
Actualizar #3hace 9 años
Contacted Defenders of Wildlife to see if they could help deliver this petition being it they have a high dollar budget and have experience to raise awareness. No reply
Contacted the Federation of Native Americans, No reply
Will continue and hope we make to the 50,000 soon
Many thanks to all for your support, the wolves may in the end be the animal nature intended.
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Wrote to Governor of Alaska 03/15/2015, to date no response.
This petition with all signatures attached sent to Governor of Alaska 03/23/15 , to date no response.
After asking Care 2 to reopen this petition, I will hopefully gather even more signatures and force something to be done about this barbaric practice in Alaska. Many thanks to all.
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