Trump is losing his marbles and it's time for the media to just SAY IT

Donald Trump held a press conference, and it proved one thing -- he's losing his marbles.

He spouted the usual lies which he's been doing for years. But he also made up a weird story about a helicopter crash that never happened. And he didn't know who the governor of California was. And he rambled, went off topic, and showed the classic signs of dementia. Something he's been doing more and more as of late.

And yet, when you read or see a news report on Trump, there's hardly ever a straightforward statement that this guy is going nuts. Understandably, many are uncomfortable saying it straight out. But this guy could be back in the White House, and peple need to know how far gone he is *before* the election, not after.

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He's gone completely nuts.
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He's gone completely nuts.
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